C.L.A.W. Report March 2016 A.D.

On Leap Day, February 29th, the Cartoonist’s League of Absurd Washingtonians held it’s annual GREAT YEARLY CEREMONY, wherein the Talons of the CLAW gather to celebrate another year of existence, recognize our friends and initiate new Council members and have cake.  As always, the GYC was held in the Commencement Hall of the Pythian Temple on Broadway in downtown Tacoma, and we extend our gratitude to the Knights of Pythias for the use of their beautiful facility!  In other aspects, however, this year was a slight break with tradition.
First and foremost, there was no cake!  Secondly, instead of the usual painfully elaborate, poorly executed ceremony with swords and lime green robes, performed before a gathering of friends and loved ones, this year’s meeting was a REVIVAL!  It was a closed meeting among the Talons and Official Friends of CLAW, during which Brother Stowe, (Member #4) played Master of Ceremonies and delivered a spirited address about the loss of our goals and direction, and encouraging the membership to think of ways in which the CLAW can be more driven and effective!
The new Council of the Four Eyes was announced for the coming year:  Mark Brill (#9) as President, James Stowe (#4) as Vice President, Steve Garvin (#25) as Treasurer and Larry Erhardt (#8) as Secretary.  In a final bit of business, a new Official Friend of CLAW was announced, being Christina Wheeler, formerly of the Nearsighted Narwhal, for her support of the CLAW in the precious year.  The company was then removed, after the closing ritual was performed solemnly by the President and Keeper of the Semi-Sacred Box of Things and Props, to the dining room upstairs for sandwiches and veggie platters where we discussed the sharpening of the CLAW!  More will be discussed on that point later!
In other business, Brooks Dental Studio will be having an art show reception for artwalk onMarch 17th, 5-7 pm.  “Brooks Dental Studio presents the Art of CLAW”  Come down and see what the Talons have been creating in their secret studios!
On Saturday, March 19th, Destiny City Comics (right next door to King’s Books) Will be hosting an event called Local Artist Bazaar!  It will feature a number of CLAW members hawking their wares and doing sketches!  You don’t want to miss that!
The Open Swim for March will be on Wednesday the 23rd at 7:30pm at King’s Books on St. Helens in Tacoma.  The theme will be “CLAW ex Machina” and it will be a team-based event where everyone will be drawing up a Rube Goldberg-esqe machines.  Unlike most OS events in recent times, no voting or prizes will be offered.  We’re just going to have some fun!!  So come be a part of it!
Finally, Brandon Pierce (#17) would like you to know about his webcomic called “Pet Projects”!  He will be among the CLAW members at the Local Artist Bazaar, selling bookmarks that feature characters from his strip, such as Notle the Witch.
Happy March…ing everyone!

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WHAT: Greetings True Believers! Long rainy nights have you longing for sunshine and sidewalk chalk? Fret not! Members of the Cartoonist League of Absurd Washingtonians are mustering for the first ever indoor competitive sidewalk chalk challenge!  FREE CHALK will be provided via the Frost Park Community Chalk Box Mobile Stockpile.


Slabs of conceptual concrete will be distributed to each contestant via generous donation of black chalk drawing boards (Which you get to keep! While supplies last) via Tinkertopia–Tacoma’s most beloved Alt. Art Supply & Creative Reuse Center!  Each chalk entry shall be voted upon and prizes won!  Theme for the Chalk challenge shall be: “FOR THE LOVE OF MYTHOS: FANTASTIC MOMENTS IN ALT. HISTORY”

WHEN: 7:30 pm, February 24th 2016 A.D.

WHERE: Kings Books–Tacoma’s Most Beloved Reuse Book Center!
218 St Helens Ave, Tacoma, Washington 98402

WHO: You, and your Friendly Neighborhood Cartoonists League of Absurd Washingtonians.

WHY: Because it is there.

RSVP on FB event page!

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Talk of a CLAW revival at the great yearly ceremony meeting. What do members want from the claw? Anthology “Robo-nomicon” Book? More Zines? CLAW tables at conventions will be disbanded. Members of CLAW will be encouraged to have a CLAW spot on their individual convention tables…which when added together would make an even bigger table if you think about it! claw table voltron see!? RR is in charge of the NEW claw zine… this issue: “PRO TIPS and Tricks” lucky cartoonists… look for a page recruitment email from RR. Next CLAW art show will be at Brooks Dental. Q: How do we get absentee CLAW members excited about CLAW? Q: How do we get the word out and get more people attending CLAW open swim events at Kings Books? CLAW is a Talent Pool… but is that all? UPDATE/PREVIEW on new CLAW test website. Looking radical. RR attempts to sell the Kevin Freitas comics page functionality to members again. Maybe? Could always just pay for it out of pocket because, damn it would rule “WE NEED TO SEE COMICS ON OUR NEW WEBSITE!” Sez James Stowe. Next council member names tossed around. Recruitment/Hard Sell assignments made. FRIENDS OF CLAW nominees presented and pondered. Next meeting will be public white elephant gift exchange. Bike helmets created for Downtown: On the Go! look great. Did you see the videos?

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