CLAW Sketchbook Open Swim Survey 2011

Worship of the War Fez

We’re thinking about moving our public artist-game hang out nights. Fill out the survey to help us pick the best time!

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The CLAW on Wayzgoose

(Text submitted by Mark Monlux, AkA The Grand Poo Bah)

CLAW Table at Wayzgoose Event

Wayzgoose was this last Sunday and The CLAW was well represented. I mere fifteen feet in from the front door if Kings Books in downtown Tacoma The CLAW was teaching those attending how to fold a ashcan comic from a single piece of paper. In attendance were RR Anderson, Mark Monlux, Anique Zimmer, Nick Butler with assistance for part of the day by James Stowe and Mark Brill. Those manning the table brought merchandise to sell to the unweary.

DIY: Learn to Fold a No Staple Mini Zine

Come 1:30 our team’s time slot arrived for the poster printing. While our target was 10 posters, time only allowed six to be printed. One will be auctioned off to benefit Wayzgoose, another will be place in the Woolworth window (last time it was later returned to CLAW,) and those participating in the day has dibs on the remaining four. The print was a huge success.

Brill, Nick, Sweat Pea and Amy McBride of Tacoma Arts Commission

Mark Brill aka B9

When the message of the Robotic Overlords revealed, a cheer went up from the crowd.


Also, the CLAW Student Scholarship of 2012 received its first donation of $4 bringing the current total to $104. It was a most awesome day. Again, thanks to Stowe for coming down and helping us to set up and drawing caricature nameplates, and to Brill for being part of the team to oversee the printing of the posters.

see more at exit 133 dot com

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First CLAW Zine of 2011 GUEST STRIPS Trailer

RR's Guest Strip cover art of Electric Elliot's BOB THE DOG (CLAW zine)


  • Mark Monlux’s Movie Comic Critic by Mark Brill
  • RR’s Tacomic/Learn 2 Draw in 3D! by Adam M. Botsford
  • Mark Monlux Movie Comic Critic by Mark Brill
  • Stowe’s SCATS by Debivans
  • TO’T’s Fail Whale by The JinxMedic
  • Stowe’s SCATS by Debivans
  • TO’T’s Bean Town by Mark Monlux
  • Electric Elliot’s Bob the Dog by RR Anderson
  • The JinxMedic’s O&J Crow Comic by Thorax O’Tool
  • Adam the Alien’s Adam the Alien Comic by Chris Tirri


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