Fury of the CLAW: State of the League Address 2013

The CLAW 2013 A.D. photo by Steve Dunkelberger

The Great Yearly Ceremony Eye Cycle is complete!  We present to you the players from right to left:

  • RR Anderson – new council member of the four eyes, political cartoonist
  • Rob Larson – Orphan cartoonist and new member and proxy for council member Anique Zimmer
  • Mike “JinxPhantom” Shaudis – High Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias and CLAW CROW/Zombie cartoonist
  • Carmen “Nemrac the Destroyer” Melendez – Comic book shop operator, cosplayer, cartoonist, FRIEND OF CLAW no. 01
  • Electric Elliot Trotter – CLAW FOUNDER PRIME (the undying no. 01)
  • Thorax O’ Tool aka Larry E. – Bean Town, Fail Whale, elemental cartoonist CURRENT SITTING CLAW COUNCIL FOUR EYE
  • Mystery Friend of CLAWThe Original Series
  • James Stowe – Sidekick Quests Cartoonist CLAW founder NO. 4
  • Joel Larson – FRIEND OF CLAW NO. 02, Sidewalk Chalk Expert Class
  • [Name removed upon request] – Retiring Four Eye Council, Member no. 13
  • Mark Monlux – Return of Stickman, Comic Critic movie review cartoonist and Claw FOUNDER no. 03
  • Mark “B9” Brill – Dogwood Tales, Platypus cartoonist!
  • Michael Daley – new council member of the four eyes, Dr. Venture Cosplayer

New Council-members Michael Daley (sword left), RR Anderson (sword right) photo by Steve Dunkelberger

Two eyes open! Two eyes close. Swords are exchanged for PEN IS MIGHTIER !  The hymn of the robot overlords was sung.  The world was saved from destruction for another year.  Cake was eaten. Tiny robots were set upon each other for the amusement of all. Verily, descendant historians will chronicle this night in song for weeks to come.  We are the mighty talons of the CLAW… Follow us on FACEBOOK!

the PHANTOM ORGANIST photo by Steve Dunkelberger

Complete Photo Album of CLAW at Great Yearly Ceremony

Great Yearly Ceremony on Weekly Volcano Blog

**RR’s GOALS**

Do You Like 2 Draw? C.L.A.W. Wants YOU!

My fellow adamantium talons of the CLAW, friends of CLAW across the airwaves, CLAW cadets and Citizen fanbots! This is your new No. 2 speaking on behalf of my new capacity as 1 of 4 of the High CLAW Council of the Four Eyes… EYEBALL!

  • I pledge to boost enrollment of our ranks… in particular I’d like to reach out to lady cartoonists and lady illustrators in the community.  I will listen and report back suggestions for making our league more appealing to these market groups.
  • I pledge to really push hard for our much delayed 501c non profit status… EYEBALL!
  • I pledge to organize members to complete their member gallery about page with samples of portfolio work and basic minimum of contact information!
  • I pledge to promote our CLAW college art student scholarship program at every opportunity. This is a record setting year. I hope to match in the year to come!
  • I pledge forward motion on our CLAW anthology self-published book!
  • I pledge honest feedback and portfolio reviews of work. Our skills must ever be sharpened… no talon left behind!
  • I pledge more life drawing! tutorial nights! movie riff nights!  challenges to other drawing/craft/activity groups!
  • I pledge more community power team ups! We have got some awesome cartoon strips going here, lets see if we can’t get them into some publications around here!
  • I pledge to put the absurd back in Absurd Washingtonians… EYEBALL!

May the power of the cosmos be with you! 

BREAKING:  CLAW will be at the Emerald City Comic Convention!

**end transmission***

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December CLAW Events

The CLAW has two public events this month, and everybody is welcomed!

Harley Quinn by Mark Brill

Cosplay Live Drawing Session with Super Sirens
Sunday, December 9th @ The Tacoma Art Museum, 2-4pm
1701 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Washington 98402

Free Live Drawing Session! Practice drawing with live models! Supply’s will be provided and both the session and the supplies are free! Join the CLAW aka: The Cartoonists’s League of Absurd Washingtonians as they lead this drawing session with the lovely Super Sirens as the models. The Super Sirens will be dressing up as some of our favorite comic book characters. You will see Harly Quinn, Cat Woman and fee other femme fatale from the funny pages.

The drawing session starts at 2pm be at hosted by the Tacoma Art Museum as part of their Winter Festival. The Tacoma Art Museum will be open free to the public on December 9th from 10am to 4pm. Before the drawing session CLAW merchandise will be on sale as part of the Crafts Fair. Pick up a few creative gifts for Christmas before attending the session.



White Elephant by Mark Monlux

Annual White Elephant Gift Exchange
Wednesday, December 12th @ King’s Books, 7:30-9:30pm
218 St Helens Ave, Tacoma, Washington 98402

This is a CLAW Open Swim meeting and the public at large is invited to attend and participate. I’m happy to say that this will be our fourth year of astonishing each other with truly absurd Christmas gifts. Now is your change to re-gift that present your aunt gave you last year. Or maybe you bought something at a garage sale the wife vetoed. Or maybe you found something that has the perfect “IT” factor for this event

The rules for the White Elephant Gift Exchange:

1. The gift must be “absurd”.
2. If you buy the gift, you must not spend more than $20.
3. You’re gift must be wrapped, or at the very least fully concealed in a festive bag.
4. Those who bring get to participate.
5. Numbers will be drawn from a fez to determine order.
6. You can select a gift from a table or steal a gift from a person who already chose a gift.
7. A gift can only be stolen three times, at which time it becomes locked-in.
8. A gift doesn’t have to be unwrapped until all gifts are selected. (While there is debate about this rule it was part of our original rules in 2008 and I’m going to stick with tradition.)
9. Once all gifts are locked-in, those that have not been unwrapped should be unwrapped.
10. The Trading, purchasing, bartering or auctioning of gifts after the exchange is allowed.

ps. If you like getting Facebook invites to events, please ‘like’ the CLAW Facebook Page.

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Tacoma Art Museum’s Iron Artist Chalk-Off!

Hit Me With Your Best Chalk!

 Join us this Saturday at Tollefson Plaza as CLAW artists take up the challenge!
Chalking will be going on from 3-7 PM, hosted by the Tacoma Art Museum (with admission and activities free all day). Cast your vote on TAM’s Facebook for your favorite entries, or challenge a friend to a 15-minute Quick-Draw Chalk-Off!

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