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Literal Literacy Open Swim

The Literal Literary aka Book Title Theme Open Swim is going to be a fun event. Those attending will pull book titles from a hat. Then, without telling anybody your book title, you, must draw a literal representation of your title. Your art will be judge on how speak for itself. Additionally, you can only use ONE word in your drawing. The voting will be done in two rounds, and yield three first place winners.

Phase One: Our normal casting of ballots for best art.

Phase Two. Voters will write down their best guess at your book title. These will then be read aloud with correct guesses counting as points. This will win the category for best communication.

Phase Three. Votes from both rounds will be tallied for the overall winner of the competition.

Prizes will be given out for these three categories as well as for second places – if we have a big stack of prizes. If you have a book that you think will make a great prize, please bring it to the event. Winners will get first pick.

ps. The image above is meant to represent “Grapes of Wrath.”

King’s Books
218 St Helens Ave., Tacoma, WA 98402

Time: Wednesday, March 28th 2012, 7:30 p.m.

Parking: Street parking only. The lot next to King’s Books is for the bar patrons next door.

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February Open Swim-Video Games!


Draw anything to do with Video Games. Make it a spoof, design your own franchise, sequential art, mash-ups are always popular. WHATEVER! Just make it video game (or pinball) inspired. Fabulous Prizes for Top Cartoonists!

Wednesday, February 22nd, 7:30 pm


754 Pacific Ave.

Tacoma, WA 98402

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