Archive for member challenge

“The Dark Pipe” Round Robin Begins

The CLAW has decided to do a Round Robin. To entice and intrigue you, here is the cover. Look for page one coming in the next few days.

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Feb 1st was Hourly Comic Day

The Challenge behind Hourly Comic Day is simple. The artist is to draw an autobiographical comic on the hour representing each the artist is awake. This can be challenging as many artists like to linger over their work and an hour can go quickly. I find the key is to keep the comic as simple as possible.

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January “What If? Wile E. Coyote Edition” Open Swim

When:  January 25th @ 7:30 PM

Where:  Dorky’s Arcade

754 Pacific Ave.

Tacoma, WA 98402


Come down to Dorky’s and get your Wile E. on.  What If?  Wile E. Coyote Edition is simply what if Wile E. was on a different show, movie, band, etc.  Come and share in some fun and laughter as we recreate a classic cartoon character’s image.


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