Archive for member challenge


Stowe, Monlux and Brill mid embrace PHOTO COURTESY OF NEWS TRIBUNE

Stowe, Monlux and Brill mid embrace PHOTO COURTESY OF NEWS TRIBUNE

Wednesday 22nd at 7:30 PM at Kings Books at a round table surrounded by FEZ wearing cartoonists of the elite and secret Cartoonists League of Absurd Washingtonians (the C.L.A.W.) YOU can sit and DRAW WITH THE CLAW!  NO GAMES! NO TRICKS! Just fingers-to-paper full concentration drawing of cartoons… and when we’re done, we will do a college class style round table critique/show&tell.  Hang out and Draw. That’s it. Maybe scratch the Kings Books cat on the head too. Bring a sketch book or something you’re working on too if you want us to give you feedback on that as well.  We are professionals! Our opinion is worth something… maybe.  Anyway it’s fun. We are absurd cartoonists, it’s in our name.

CLAW-tron by James Stowe

CLAW-tron by James Stowe

Wednesday 22nd – 7:30 PM
Kings Books
218 St Helens Ave Tacoma, WA 98402


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The CLAW’s Thriftshop Painting Project


“Thriftshop Painting Project Premier”


The “Thrift Shop Painting Project” was conceived to bring a new perspective to old neglected paintings. The goal of art is to inspire the mind, to tell within it a story, persuade a new outlook, to rivet with amazement, or forge a new path of intellectual endeavor where there was none before. When a painting or object of art no longer captivates, it has all the decorative value of as spider web. What you see before you is a new story incapable of being told in the present without the efforts of a creative force in the past. These are not works brought back to life, they are the result of a wonderful metamorphous.


“Seaside Property” BEFORE

"Seaside Property" AFTER - $500

“Seaside Property” AFTER – $500

The impetus behind the Thrift Shop Painting Project was the numerous request The CLAW received from public institutions to provide an exhibit of the CLAW’s work. Talking amongst themselves the Talons of the CLAW found that few of their membership had art ready to present for a show. This lead to a discussion of gathering up frames from thrift shops to present new work. This in turn led to the idea of using the canvas that came with the frame. It wasn’t much of a leap from there to decide that incorporating the previous image into the new work would be both unique, and exciting.


"Rabbit Proof Fence" BEFORE

“Trojan Rabbit Proof Fence” BEFORE

"Rabbit Proof Fence" AFTER - $350

“Trojan Rabbit Proof Fence” AFTER – $350

The Thrift Shop Painting Project premiered at Tacoma Arts Month Opening Party and AMOCAT Arts Awards presented by the Tacoma Arts Commission and Spaceworks Tacoma on October 2nd, 2014. The paintings were well received and have since become a traveling show being seen at When not traveling the paintings can be seen at their home port: Tinkertopia. Interested parties who would like to offer their space as a venue may contact painting wrangler R.R. Anderson at Tinkertopia for scheduling.

Schedule of Venues (updated 02/26/15):
2015 March-April: Destiny City Comics
2015 January-February: Metro Coffee
2014 November-December: Bluebeard Coffee
2014 October: Tacoma Post Office


“Mattahorn Passing” BEFORE


"Mattahorn Passing" AFTER - $350 SOLD!

“Mattahorn Passing” AFTER – $350 SOLD!


“Post Mechanical Crab Apocolypse” BEFORE

The CLAW has a very limited budget for creating this exhibit. The requirements were that the framed images be paintings, not prints. Also, the budget for purchasing a painted had to be less that $20. The CLAW achieved this by buying some of the paintings in bulk. The proceeds of the sale of painting go back into the purchase of more paintings on which the artists might work to expand the exhibit. All of the paintings are for sale.


“Post Mechanical Crab Apocolypse” AFTER – $350


You can help the CLAW by donating your old landscape paintings to the project. You can drop them off or send them to Tinkertopia, 1914 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, WA 98402.


“Bigfoot in Park” BEFORE


“Bigfoot in Park” AFTER – $250 • This is a flip painting with “Nessie” featured on the other side. SOLD!


The Cartoonists League of Absurd Washingtonians founded in October 2008. This illustrious league of illustrators quickly became a Tacoma institution. The CLAW’s goal of communal enrichment through silliness and whimsy has been successful on many fronts. Through yearly activities with the Tacoma Art Museum, the Tacoma Public Library, and by the various activities of the Tacoma Art Commission the Talons of the CLAW have left their mark on young and old minds alike. Via the CLAW Student Scholarship, the tender talents of new emerging cartoonists are encouraged. But these are only a few of the many nefarious plans on the CLAW’s agenda.


“Season Two of the Walking Dead” BEFORE and AFTER – $150 SOLD!



“The Monlux Crossing the Wicked Woods” BEFORE



“The Monlux Crossing the Wicked Woods” AFTER – $350 SOLD



“Nessie” BEFORE



“Nessie” AFTER – This is the backside of “Bigfoot in Park” – $250 SOLD!



cuthulu_bless the children

“Cthulu Loves the Little Children” – $150

As the painting are sold new ones are added to the traveling exhibit.

“Aloha ‘auinala, Tiki” by Mark - Before

“Aloha ‘auinala, Tiki” BEFORE


“Aloha ‘auinala, Tiki” by Mark - $300

“Aloha ‘auinala, Tiki” AFTER  – $300




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24 Hour Comic Book Challenge – at Tacoma Games

"24 Hour Comic Book Challenge" by Corey Macourek

“24 Hour Comic Book Challenge” by Corey Macourek

The CLAW invites you to come and watch them draw during the 24 Hour Comic Challenge at Tacoma Games. Participating artists must write, layout, and ink a 24 for page comic in 24 Hours. This will be the 5th Year CLAW has participated in the 24 Hour Comic Challenge. It has become a tradition for those who provide donations, and much needed protein [too much sugary donuts and there’s sugar crash], become drawn into the various comic strips. James Stowe will be broadcasting the event via his laptop. This is one of the CLAW’s fundraisers for the CLAW Student Scholarship Fund. You can donate in person or online at the CLAW’s website. Our host this year is Tacoma Games – at their new location. The event starts at 10am Saturday and will run to 10am Sunday. Space for participating artists is limited, so if you would like to join in the challenge contact Mark Monlux to RSVP table space. For safety reasons the doors will be locked from 11:00 pm to 5:00 am, a call to a friend inside will gain you admittance. For updates as they happen please look to the CLAW’s Facebook Page.

Starting Time: Saturday, October 4th, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. sharp.
Location: Tacoma Games at their new digs… 2509 6th Ave, Tacoma, Washington 98406

Donations of all amounts are accepted. Amounts of $100 or more reach Sponsor status which gives them a logo and a hotlink on our CLAW Student Scholarship page.

If for some reason the donate button is not working. Use your own paypal account to email the payment to with a notation that it’s for The CLAW.


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