Archive for scholarship

2014 Student Scholarship Award presented to Kenzy Sorensen

CLAW-2014-check-01 At the last Open Swim, on April, 24th 2014, The CLAW presented their 2014 Student Scholarship Fund to Kenzy Sorensen.  This was the largest scholarship CLAW has presented to date: $1,223. The Talons of the CLAW were very happy to provide this local art student with the mean to help her afford the art supplies she’ll need for her ongoing art studies.

If you’d like to help the CLAW philanthropic efforts, you can make a donation via our CLAW Student Scholarship page. Or buy one of the CLAW shirts online or on the premises of these CLAW supporters: Tacoma Art Museum, Nerdy Stuffs, King’s Books, and Tacoma Games.

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More photos can be found here.

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Melanie Anne Eggleston Awarded CLAW Student Scholarship

Melanie Anne Eggleston receiving the CLAW Student Scholarship for 2013

Melanie Anne Eggleston receiving the CLAW Student Scholarship for 2013

Each year The Cartoonist League of Absurd Washingtonians collects funds both from private donations and through its services to the community to bestow on one lucky art student. The dozen students that applied were reviewed by the CLAW membership via their applications that included previous history of awards, letters of recommendation, essays, and most importantly – samples of their cartooning skills. The competition for the scholarship was fierce with one vote deciding the outcome. The CLAW is please to announce that Melanie Anne Eggleston receives the vast sum of the 2013 CLAW Student Scholarship, $1,059.10, to spend on further education herself in the sequential arts.

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CLAW Scholarship for 2013 is $1,059.10 – Deadline March 15!

roboconquerThe CLAW has surpassed its previous fundraising efforts and has collected the magnificent sum of $1,059.10 to bestow on this year’s winning applicant. That is, if we get an applicant. With the deadline of March 15th only a week away The CLAW has yet to get a single application. We ask that you share this link with students you know who are trying to master the glorious technique of sequential art. The scholarship is awarded based on artistic merit, wit, and whims of the judges.

Applicants must:

  1. Provide evidence they are enrolled in college.
  2. They are capable of filling out a form and following its instructions.
  3. Have a letter of recommendation
  4. Show samples of their cartoon brilliance.

Applications can be downloaded from the CLAW Student Scholarship Page.

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