Captain Picard Day Art Show and Festival

Captain Picard Day
Come celebrate the wonderous life of Jean-Luc Picard as we observe International Jean-Luc Picard day! A special art show for the third Thursday of June put on by Destiny City Comics and sinister art rebels the C.L.A.W. (Cartoonist League of Absurd Washingtonians).
Art for sale, contests, local artists to meet and greet, and more. Reception on Thursday the 16th at 5pm. Judging at 7pm. Awards and prizes! Costumes strongly encouraged! Judges will be Dan Long, House Manager at the Grand Movie Theater and Amy McBride, Arts Administrator for the city of Tacoma.
Show will be up through the end of June.
Do you want to participate in the Captain Picard Art Show & Festival? Artists will receive 65% and Destiny City Comics 35%. The $5 fee helps CLAW to pay for wall hangers and paint and posters!
WHO: Any artist that loves Captain Picard as much as we do.
WHAT: Art that celebrates all things Picard. Must be smaller than 24″ x24″ and is READY TO HANG on wall. Slightly 3D okay but must be light and able to hang on wall. Alternative and out of the box media encouraged.
THE FINE PRINT: $5 Entry Fee for each piece. (cash only) Each artist can submit up to 3 pieces. However, we want to show as many artists off as possible so carefully label EACH piece with your name, phone number, contact email, retail price, and number your entries –with #1 being the one you want to show the most– and we will put as many as we can put up! If we are completely swamped with art and can’t put up all pieces, you will receive your $$ back!
DROP OFF: All pieces need to be dropped off at TINKERTOPIA (1914 Pacific Ave Tacoma, WA 98402) between JUNE 10-15th. Tinkertopia will be open 10-6 Mon-Sat and 12-5 on Sunday.
PLEASE, we beseech you: do NOT drop off work to Destiny City–There is not enough space!
PRIZES: Grand Prize is a Universal Gift Card of $50 cash. Other prizes will be awarded in different categories.
Questions? Email Jennevieve—–
Thank you and make it so!
Just a few of the submissions delivered.

Captain Picard Day Submissions