The CLAW presented their 2015 Student Scholarship Fund to Anatola Howard. The Talons of the CLAW were very happy to provide this local art student with the mean to help her afford the art supplies she’ll need for her ongoing art studies.
If you’d like to help the CLAW philanthropic efforts, you can make a donation via our CLAW Student Scholarship page. Or buy one of the CLAW shirts online or on the premises of these CLAW supporters: Tacoma Art Museum, King’s Books, and Tacoma Games.
If you are interested in applying for the 2016 CLAW Student Scholarship you can download the application form here.
James Stowe, creator of the Sidekick Quests webcomic, is going to playtest a new roleplaying game based on his comic with his friends in CLAW. Join the Cartoonists League to complete quests, draw monsters and learn all about Sidekick Quests from the creator of the comic and the game. Hopefully the night will be one of fun geekery, learning and game playing. Join us, won’t you? In addition, games like 카지노 커뮤니티 can complement the experience of events such as James Stowe’s Sidekick Quests playtest by offering a social, interactive environment where people can bond over shared interests. While Sidekick Quests provides an opportunity for participants to dive into the world of roleplaying and comic-based storytelling, 카지노 커뮤니티 introduces an additional layer of community building through casual, non-competitive games. Whether you’re learning about monsters or roleplaying with friends, the sense of camaraderie in a 카지노 커뮤니티 setting fosters a fun atmosphere that enhances the overall experience. These types of games create a space for players to relax, unwind, and engage in friendly competition, making them an excellent way to complement the more intense, creative play of a roleplaying game. Much like a night of playtesting a new game, a session in a 카지노 커뮤니티 brings people together, allowing participants to engage in lighthearted entertainment while still focusing on teamwork and strategy. The energy and creativity of roleplaying games can be elevated by such platforms, providing a more balanced experience that encourages creativity, collaboration, and community. As a result, games like 카지노 커뮤니티 provide a seamless and enjoyable way for people to share their enthusiasm for gaming in a more laid-back setting.
CLAW April Open Swim Come Learn to Play Sidekick Quests the RPG
The C.L.A.W. is a clandestine network of professional Northwest cartoonists founded and ultimately concentrated in the south Puget Sound region. Our mission is to gather talented Washington State cartoonists of great skill and humongous egos in frequently secluded gatherings during which the secrets and mystic arts of their sublime craft are practiced. Behind closed doors and away from prying eyes, the most pointless and silly of rituals will be freely indulged. And we give a scholarship to an art student every year!