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2014 Student Scholarship Award presented to Kenzy Sorensen

CLAW-2014-check-01 At the last Open Swim, on April, 24th 2014, The CLAW presented their 2014 Student Scholarship Fund to Kenzy Sorensen.  This was the largest scholarship CLAW has presented to date: $1,223. The Talons of the CLAW were very happy to provide this local art student with the mean to help her afford the art supplies she’ll need for her ongoing art studies.

If you’d like to help the CLAW philanthropic efforts, you can make a donation via our CLAW Student Scholarship page. Or buy one of the CLAW shirts online or on the premises of these CLAW supporters: Tacoma Art Museum, Nerdy Stuffs, King’s Books, and Tacoma Games.

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More photos can be found here.

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“Be A Hero” at Nerdy Stuffs during Free Comic Book Day

Be A Hero art by Mark Brill

Be A Hero art by Mark Brill

Saturday, May 3rd is free Comic Book Day and the C.L.A.W. invites you to “Be A Hero!” The CLAW will be at Nerdy Stuffs from Noon to 4 pm. Drawing custom sketches. You can get yourself drawn as the Green Lantern, or get a personalize Batman, or maybe you want an Ogre for office. CLAW’s goal is to raise $1,000 in tip money to help in their efforts of doing wild and crazy events for the community.  Every year the CLAW participates in several events to raise money for the CLAW Student Scholarship Fund. This year’s art student received $1,223. You can help. Come to Nerdy Stuffs on Free Comic Book Day and get a custom sketch done. There will be FREE prints of each artist’s artwork as well. Get a signature! Get a sketch! Get a cool glow-in-the-dark tshirt. The CLAW is looking forward to your support.

Out of town but still want to participate? Just go to the scholarship page and click on the donate button.


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Talons of CLAW Skunked!

Every year the Emerald City Comiccon puts together an book called “Monsters and Dames”. The proceeds go to charity. All the artist who have tables and booths at the convention are invited to submit work. With 160 artists submitting and only 80 pages available competition is fierce to get inside the book. Both Travis Bundy [Talon #20] and Mark Monlux [Talon #3] were given the sad news today that they did not make the cut. Still, we wanted to share the submission with you.

Toxic 253 by Travis Bundy

Toxic 253 by Travis Bundy

Robo-Tiki Terror by Mark Monlux

Robo-Tiki Terror by Mark Monlux

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