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September “Fax Machine” Winner

The Game of “Fax Machine” is played like this. Person #1 writes a description. This description is handed to person #2 who does their best to draw the description. There are a few rules. The drawer must not write the words of their description in the drawing. There is a time limit of one minute to complete the drawing. The game ends when the ‘fax’ returns to its originator. The winner is determined by how closely last image resembles the original message. The prize is granted to the originator of the ‘fax’.

Original description: The Titanic in the desert.

Which was drawn as:


Interpreted as: The Titanic crashing in a desert.

Drawn as:


Interpreted as: J. Cameron’s “Titanic” staged on-location in the Gobi Desert

Drawn as:


Interpreted as: Filming of the Titanic

Drawn as:


Interpreted as: James Cameron’s film “Titanic

Drawn as:


Interpreted as: Filming a scene from Titanic

Drawn as:


Interpreted by the originator as: James Cameron Directing Titanic

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24 Hour Comic is LIVE!

The CLAW can be found at Nerdy Stuffs participating in the 24 Hour Comic Challenge. You can watch view Google hangout or stop on by the store. This is when the CLAW asks for donations to the Student Scholarship Fund. You can donate via the the donation button or stop on by Nerdy Stuffs.

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October Open Swim: Pumpkin Carving Contest

Pumpkin Crab by Mark Monlux

Pumpkin Crab by Mark Monlux

It’s Bring Your Own Pumpkin the CLAW’s very first Pumpkin Carving Contest. Bring your pumpkins and carving implements to King’s Books. Be sure to RSVP on our Facebook page so that we have a rough idea of how many to set up the room for. Be it a traditional jack-o-lantern, painted, carved, or prop incrusted, there is only one rule: It has to be created on-site during the allowed time. We do ask that if you’re going to core your pumpkin, you do so at home to keep down on the mess.  Costumes, funny hats, and Halloween candy are encouraged. Who will take home the prize? Come join us and see. October is also the time the CLAW fundraises for the CLAW Student Scholarship fund. Spare change is welcomed to help a lucky student afford art supplies.

Wednesday, October 23rd 2013, 7:30pm-9:30pm, King’s Books, 218 St. Helens Ave., Tacoma, WA 98402. This is a free event rated R.

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