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Sneak preview teaser post- the CLAW Grand Yearly Ceremony!

The CLAW Grand Yearly Ceremony is to be held at the Pythian Temple on Monday, the third of January, 2011.

Attendance at this quasi-formal event is by invitation by the Council of the Four eyes only- however, some lucky individuals may receive an unexpected invitation via discovery of a CLAW GOLDEN TICKET . Where might one find a GOLDEN TICKET ? Be sure to attend the CLAW  “White Elephant”  Open Swim Christmas party for more details!


Reminder- All of the cool people will be there. Will you be? Are you COOL ENOUGH FOR CLAW? Are you? Hunh?

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Sneak Peek at Monkey 91 and 95

The Jinxmedic's monkey tile sneak peek

Drawn during the Secret Meeting, here is a Sneak Peek at two of the Jinxmedic’s Monkey tiles.

One may ask, “What else is there to come?”

The Jinxmedic answers: “That is not for us to know at this time. For now, we must be content basking in the mystery of not knowing until all is revealed in the due course of time. (and if you don’t like that answer, too bad for you.)”


Respectfully Signed,

The Jinxmedic

Making Fezzes look good since 2009

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The Robot Month of MOBILITY

Robot month of MOBILITY


One of the requirements that makes a robot a robot is the ability to move independently, and alter its course without outside control. In Aerospace, the change in velocity required to manuever to a higher or lower orbit is simply referred to as Delta Vee. Therefore, The Robot Month of Mobility is represented here by the formula for Delta Vee, and a cool little guy with a flying helmet.

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