Adam M Botsford is The CLAW’s Young Cartoonist of the Future
Congratulations to Adam M Botsford for winning the 2009 Young Cartoonist/Illustrator of the Future Scholarship! Adam has received an over sized novelty check in addition to $100 dollars in cold hard cash.
Check out his amazing pumpkin illustration…
Adam has posted a write up of his experience during the CLAW OPEN SWIM MEET and AWARD CEREMONY which is sewn with well crafted sketches he drew during our group conversaton about the superiority of 1980’s zombie movies.
On behalf of THE CLAW high fez council of MYSTIC EYES, I wish you the best of luck. May your pencil always be sharp and your eraser never besmirched. You are one talented dude worthy of a fez.
April 25, 2009 @ 1:54 pm
Amusing Fact: I have no idea where that painting is. Someone bought it at an auction here in Tacoma and I never got to see who it was! *ponders* Mysterious!