The CLAW attends The Buddy Holly Story at Tacoma Little Theater

The Council of Four Eyes
As their reward for winning the Frost Park Chalk Challenge a few weeks ago, the Council of Four Eyes attended the Tacoma Little Theater’s presentation of “The Buddy Holly Storyâ€. The house was sold-out and the audience very eager to enjoy everything the performers had to offer. What was offered up was a long list of hit songs from an era most in the audience could easily remember. So pleased were they with each song that they wore themselves out clapping their approval. It was a warm summer evening and all of that clapping drove up the temperature in the theater, or it could have been the sizzling performances. Several members of the troupe are friends of the CLAW, who themselves were no slouches when it came to pounding their palms numb with encouragement and appreciation.

The Four Eyes with Ryan Coleman, aka: Buddy Holly
June 13, 2009 @ 5:03 pm
a night to remember!
June 26, 2009 @ 2:08 pm
I had a great time!