The Great Yearly Ceremony Is Coming!

art by Mark Brill

Monday, January 21st 2013
Come at 7pm the ceremony begins at 7:30.
$5 at the door – Or get tickets ahead of time as King’s Books.
Pythian Temple – Enter through C Court door. There will be no access through the doors on Broadway.

Once again it’s time for the CLAW’s annual changing of the guard. See the new Four Eyes pop in as the old Eyes pop out. See who will be announced as this year’s Friend of CLAW. Be amused by pomp and silliness followed by homemade brews, food and cake. Members of CLAW and Friends of CLAW get in free. Tickets available at King’s Book or at the door for a mere $5 – which will go to the CLAW Student Scholarship Fund. – Also, the only entrance will be through the lonely door on C Court – NOT the Broadway door.

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The CLAW Student Scholarship Winner for 2012 is Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson with his giant CLAW Scholarship Check

The CLAW received the largest amount of submission so far the CLAW Student Scholarship. It took a long time for Four Eyes and the Talons to pour over the bucket fulls of talent that came pouring in. And it was only after long consideration, heated debate and voting that Michael Johnson was selected. Way to go, Dude!

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“Dark Pipe” Round Robin, Page Four

Dark Pipe Page Four by RR Anderson

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