The Great Convergance

Apparently the stars have aligned in the correct unholy configuration because today CLAW celebrates not ONE… not TWO… but three member’s birthdays. Please join me in spreading the joy to #6, #7 and #9 on the event of their extremely unlikely conjoined birthing miracle.3birthdays

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CLAW Open Swim: “Sell this Reboot!”


Space Invaders the Summer Blockbuster (winning entry by Mark Monlux)

Stowe – Second Place

Adam – Steam Punk Mario Brothers (Second Place)

Mark Brill –

McWars by Thorax –

Anique “Moby Dick and Monster Trucks”

SpeedRunner! (Junior Guest CLAW Cadets)

Jihadfield by RR

* * *

Join the CLAW tonight at 7:30 PM at Mandolin Cafe’s back room! This week’s OPEN SWIM cartoonists game activity will be to REBOOT any intellectual property; making it appealing to today’s audiences with their cynical, post post modernist world views AND pitch the TV show/comic/movie to the group who votes on the best one.


1 . split into teams

2. pick your character franchise that could really use a reboot.

3. DRAW DRAW DRAW! (Transformer Babies? Lego Garfield Video Game? Family Circus with Zombies? Fraggle Emo?)

4. Make your pitch.  Sell it!

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The Robot Month of MOBILITY

Robot month of MOBILITY


One of the requirements that makes a robot a robot is the ability to move independently, and alter its course without outside control. In Aerospace, the change in velocity required to manuever to a higher or lower orbit is simply referred to as Delta Vee. Therefore, The Robot Month of Mobility is represented here by the formula for Delta Vee, and a cool little guy with a flying helmet.

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