First Night Dragon CLAW Project

Monlux's Dragon CLAW #1

In preparation of Tacoma’s First Night Celebration, the many talons of the CLAW will be drawing dragons. Keep an eye out for them here, on FeedTacoma, our member’s blogs, and other locations between now and First Night. Further details of Dragon CLAWs at First Night will arrive as the date draws near.

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“Be A Hero!” is Today at Comic Book Ink

One Ringy Dingy

UPDATE: A slew of members form the CLAW will be at Comic Book Ink today; James Stowe, Mark Brill, Adam Botsford, Nick Butler, Mark Monlux and special guest Jesse Munoz. All of them will be doing drawings for you when you make a donation to the fund.

There will be an hourly raffles for Comic Book Ink Gift Certificates!
Also, Mark Brill will be raffling off framed original art from one of the pieces he did for a Magic the Gathering cards.
We know there is a lot happening this weekend, but we encourage you to stop on by and show your support for a local merchant who’s done a lot for this community and the CLAW!

Comic Book Ink and the C.L.A.W. (Cartoonist’s league of Absurd Washingtonians) are inviting you to “Be A Hero!” The CLAW, in response for all the previous support given by Comic Book Ink, is looking to return the favor. The CLAW’s goal is to raise $1,000 to purchase a share of Comic Book Ink, with the eventual profit from the share going into the CLAW Student Scholarship Fund. Caroonists and Comic artists will be descending on Comic Book Ink on Saturday, June 25th from Noon to 5:00 pm. For everyone who makes a donation these fine artisans be drawing you or a loved one as a Super!

And the fun doesn’t stop there! From 5 p.m. on the artists are going to head next door to the Green Pup Sports Bar for a Drink and Draw! Artwork created at the Drink and Draw will be display on Sunday at Comic Book Ink and available for purchase via a silent auction. Come in and mark down your bid on your favorites.

Out of town but still want to participate? Just go to: and click on the donate button. All donations made during the weekend of June 25th and 26th will go towards into this unique effort to support a local merchant who’s has been a long time supporter of local artists and gamers in the community.

To see a continually updated lists of participating artists visit:

The C.L.A.W. Student Scholarship Fund
This scholarship is given yearly to an Art Student to aid in their ongoing studies of sequential art, and continues to get larger each year. With a humble award of $100 in 2009 the scholarship had grown each year, with last scholarship being $908. This generosity was in no small part thanks Comic Book Ink who was been both a donator of fund but also acting as the venue for the 24 Hour Comic Challenge in November, the C.L.A.W.’s primary fund drive. It’s the C.L.A.W.’s deepest wish to keep Comic Book Ink open and alive, so that they can continue to be one of the truly socially active retailers in our community.

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BOT FANS is the first CLAW domain webcomic



That’s right… The Cartoonist’s League of Absurd Washingtonians are launching their own webcomics on their very own webdomain. BOT FANS, a daily webcomic illustration the creative comments recieved from spam bots, is the first comic to be published under the CLAW banner.

To learn more about it and follow BOT FANS just go to:

And keep checking back here as more  CLAW members begin to publish more webcomics in CLAW approved internet space.

Finally cartoonists making comics on a cartoonists website.

What will we think of next?

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