My Thoughts from Scott McCloud Lecture

I originally learned about Scott McCloud through my membership with Cartoonists Northwest a number of years ago. Another member told me that his book “Understanding Comics” was not only the best book about the fundamentals of comic book art, but so surpassed the others that it was embarrassing. With such a recommendation I had to get the book. And they were right. Not only does he cover concepts in depth, but he presents the all of this valuable knowledge in comic book form to reemphasis his lessons, and the point that comics as truly a unique medium of communication. It has almost become standardized reading for anyone who is at all serious about drawing comics.

Mr. McCloud has since written a few other books. They contain a lot of good principals as well, but they also start to present a lot of theory. And as with all theories presented in a climate rampant with dedicated fans they were met with some skepticism. But comic books don’t just have dedicated fans; comic books have rabid at the mouth fanboys that need to be institutionalized if they go off their meds. And those sweet dears can stir up a crowd with their belligerence when they find something they don’t agree with. To say that Mr. McCloud has received some heat over the years for his various theories (some of which time has shown to be a tiny bit off) would be putting it lightly.

When Stan Shaw sent out an email informing all that Scott McCloud would be giving a lecture in Tacoma I was thrilled. I’d get a chance to listen to a man that has influenced how I draw and inspired me to draw more. I’d heard rumors that he was one terrific presenter. The rumors were true. He had a chance to discuss a few of his theories (which he is still sticking to) and was modest enough to admit that he didn’t know everything when some of these thoughts didn’t pan out. It was by far one of the best presentations I’ve heard in a while. And please understand that I’m a luncheon speaker junkie. It not bragging on my part, merely the truth, that I’ve listened to hundreds of speakers over the years. And this lecture was memorable.

I wont rehash what Mr. McCloud spoke about. I wouldn’t be able to do it justice. But, if you would like a taste you can see him speak online as part of the TED series in the above video clip. That will give you an idea on just what you missed out on that evening. Hey, I even got him to sign a couple of books and thank him for his work.

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TACOMA, WA – December  12, 2008 – On Wednesday, December 10th 2008, in the backroom of the Mandolin Café in Tacoma, Washington, four cartoonists wearing burgundy colored fez gathered and signed the charter of The Cartoonist’s League of Absurd Washingtonians, otherwise known as The CLAW.

And so the great book says: exiled by the masses into the bowls of the internet, the lone warrior, Electric Elliot Trotter, approached Tacoma’s own benevolent white knight of cartooning, RR Anderson.  Referencing an existing notion to start such an absurdly ridiculous group, the two blew the horns of shadow, calling upon the greatest cartoonists the South Sound had to offer.  Within moments (days to you mere mortals) two had become four, now joined by the cartoonist from the eighth dimension, Mark Monlux and the ever-present threat to humanity STOWE.  With their unruly powers combined, the band sought to establish themselves so that all marks of disinnovation and anti-creativity (or antivity) were isolated and abused to destruction while harnessing humanity’s last breaths to welcome in our future robot overloads. “More than anything else I think we were all looking for an excuse just to sit down with other artists and have fun doodling,” said Mark Monlux. “Oh, that and wear fez and have a secret handshake.”

This not-so-secret secret society does have at its heart a nobler goal then a bunch of man-apes chanting about zombies and robots in its semi-cryptic rituals. The CLAW Scholarship will be granted to art students of merit who have shown and interest in the mystic study of sequential art and dragon slaying.

The CLAW meets twice a month on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. To find the current venue details, or information on becoming a member, visit or pay the ultimate price!

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