Archive for February, 2020

New Draw with CLAW: monthly mini comics!

The CLAW Artist Guild is doing something new and fun with our monthly Draw with CLAWs!

Come draw a one-page comic or illustration, submit $5 cash with your artwork and we’ll put them all together to create a mini comic!
The books will be handed out at the following month’s Draw with CLAW (also at King’s Books), where contributors can collect their copy.
Each month will have a simple theme, our theme for February is: Year of the Rat!

When: February 26th, 7:30 PM (every fourth Wednesday of the month)
Where: King’s Books (218 St. Helen’s Ave, 98402)

Contributors can also preorder additional copies for $2 each when submitting their artwork!

Want to submit art even if you can’t make the meeting?
Contact member Mark Monlux (markmonlux{at}comcast{dot}net) to arrange for your submission. See the artwork requirements section below for details and how to submit digital files.

Artwork Requirements

All art must be safe for work/all ages.
Though we reserve the right to jury submissions, we want to accept a big variety of art regardless of age, skill level etc.

Be sure to have your name and copyright printed clearly and legibly within the margins of the art.

Black and White
Our books will be printed with either a Risograph duplicator or xerox, so pen and ink are preferred. You can submit pencil work but the quality of the scan won’t be guaranteed. We will accept digital work via email (see directions below)

Final art will be printed at 5×8 inches. Our scanner will only fit paper 8.5 by 11, we suggest you work within the boundaries of 6.5 by 10.5.

Digital Format
Digital files: 6.5 by 10.5 at 300 dpi and save as .jpg with name formatted Year-month-YourLastName example: 2020-02-Monlux.jpg

Your art and final comic will be available for pickup at the following month’s Draw with CLAW.
This was inspired by the Dune monthly drawing event held at Cafe Racer in Seattle, and proposed by member Mark Monlux. We intend to make this our regular event, and can’t wait to see your art!

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