Archive for June, 2018

CLAW Art Guild in JUNE 2018

Wire Dog created at our recent CLAW Artist Guild/Tinkertopia Public Art Event at Kings Books

***UPDATE:*** CLAW SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS UNDER REVIEW NOW, WINNER will be announced in JULY! Thank You everyone for your submissions!

UP NEXT PUBLIC ART SHOW: Traveling CLAW Monsters in Thrift Shop Art Show will be landing at RED ELM CAFE in JULY. Idle reader, you can expect new paintings by new CLAW Art Guild members, you don’t want to miss!

NEXT PUBLIC CLAW ART EVENT: theme is ‘Alien Paper Dolls.’ The aliens and their clothes will all be designed by BEAN TOWN cartoonist L.S. Erhardt Join us at Kings Books, 218 St Helens Ave, Tacoma, WA 98402 at 7:30 pm on JUNE 27th.

MEMBER SHOW AND TELL: CLAW Artist Guild President Jennevieve Schlemmer has been working on this incredible one page dungeon crawling map spotted on her Facebook wall
MEANWHILE, Four-eye Council-member Anique Zimmer did an amazing job on the fabric stamp print for the CLAW Artist Guild’s booth at WAYZGOOSE letter press festival…

Anique also reminds people to check out this interesting creative opportunity offering from Almamater arts incubator. Sorta like Spaceworks? Too cool!

ALSO ALSO, did anyone have a chance to attend this 4 hour long class to help reveal the secrets of comics and visual storytelling techniques that are used not only in comic but animation, film and graphic design class at FEAST ART CENTER with Adventure Time cartoonist Colin Andersen? Looked Brilliant!

IN OTHER NEWS: the online newspaper local underground political cartoonist RR Anderson worked for briefly disappeared and after some complaints by tens of readers, the publisher decided to renew the domain name.. thus and so, THE TACOMIC LIVES! ON FEED TACOMA DOT COM! (link)

ADDENDUM: Talons Mark Monlux and Russ Richards tabled at Lilac City Comicon. Mark reports that this was the best year ever for him at Lilac. It was Russ’s first trip to Spokane and he was stunned by the beauty and wonderful old buildings. Monlux, Richards has confirmed with the editor that they will be tabling at the Peirce County Toy and Geek Fest scheduled for June 31st and July 1st at the Puyallup Fairgrounds. 2017 was their first year and with that success, the show organizers have massively expanded the show. Tables are sold out, you may try inquiring about a booth space.

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