Archive for September, 2017

24 Hour Comic Day – 2017

Every year, on the first Saturday of October, an open challenge is issued cartoonists across the world to conceive, write, sketch and ink a 24 page comic in twenty-four hours. The Cartoonists League of Absurd Washingtonians aka: The CLAW and Tacoma Games  are taking the challenge. This will be the 7th year that the CLAW has lead Tacoma’s cartoonist in the challenge, it will be the 3rd year that Tacoma Games will host the venue. Regardless of your skill level, the 24-Hour Comic Day challenge it a test of your creativity, wit, guile, and endurance. The CLAW challenges you to join this epic undertaking. Bystanders can view the event inside the store during working hours. 

The Venue:
Tacoma Games
2509 6th Ave.
Tacoma, WA 98406

 The Date:
Saturday, October 7th — Sunday, October 8th

 The Time
The challenge starts at 10:00 a.m. Saturday and ends at 10:00 a.m. Sunday.

While the event is free, no supplies aside from a table and chair will be offered. You will need to bring your own supplies to survive at the drawing table for 24 hours. Staff will be on hand, a restroom is available, and you’re allowed to bring food and drink.

Due to a finite amount of table space available, and for logistics, participants are asked to register in advance.

24 Hour Comic is an international event were cartoonists are challenged to conceive, pencil and ink a 24 page comic in 24 hours. The CLAW is using this event as a fundraiser. Bribes are encouraged. Particularly those involving meals.

To participate in this event at this location you MUST be a confirmed participant. Capacity is 16. Once you are confirmed your name will be added to the Facebook Event Page.

Doors will be locked and shutters lowered during non business hours to keep the drunks from tapping on the window.

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Work and Share Open Swim

Wednesday, September 27th is a special workparty night at this month’s CLAW’s Open Swim. Bring any projects, sketchbook, anything you want to work on. Many CLAW members are currently working on our anthology and will be using this as a time to draw and share what they are working on. All are welcome! Please bring snacks to share!

Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: King’s Books

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CLAW September Song 2017

Behold highlights from the return on investment (ROI) with CLAW public access shrinky dink film art outreach…

Next CLAW open swim?  TBD.


JENNEVIEVE SCHLEMMER:  Short Leg Studio will be at Geek Girl Con Sept 30th-oct 1st! [Also] Need Input! I want to create my first t-shirt to sell at Geek Girl Con, Jet City Comic Fest, etc,–which design of these do you think would work best? Or is there another image of mine you think would be better? Thanks!

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BRENT ROSENBURGH: The video that I have my 3-second shot in is finished! Watch and support! For context, this is an old episode of the old show “Super Mario World” that had all of the shots cut and sent to 227 animators (myself included) to re-animate. Then the finished shots were re-assembled and put to the original audio from the cartoon.

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COREY MACOUREK: 3rd episode of Lit’lFriends. I’ve got the 4th episode in the works and am considering uploading a shorter clip format to drop nonsense more often and make more spur of the moment silliness. Thanks!

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RUSS RICHARDS: Hey guys! I’m excited to announce that I will be the artist at Friday Night Frights at Blue Mouse Theater on the 15th of next month. I get to create a piece for one of my all time favorite movies Army of Darkness!

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MARK BRILL: Quietus Spike got reprinted, so I got new proofs and a box of cards in the mail from Wizards of the Coast (WotC)! Feels like old times!

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STAN BROWN: I’ve begun posting “Today’s Doodle” on my Instagram account (@stannex), also viewable at my FB page (@stannex) or my Twitter stream (@stannex). Each weekday a new image from my notebooks … a spiritual successor to my Doodle-a-Day project that ran daily from 2006–2009.

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MARK MONLUX: Next month, on the first Saturday, it will be 24 Hour Comic Challenge at Tacoma Games. Starts at 10am and ends at 10am the next day. Come empty headed and prepared to write, sketch and ink a 24 page comic in 24 hours. Also, Monlux will be attending two conventions Rose City Comic Con in Portland Sept 9-11, and Normandy Park’s [the town not the park] Zombie Fest on Spet 16, a free family event. Bring the kids.

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