Archive for March, 2016

2015 Student Scholarship Award presented to Anatola Howard

AnatolaHoward photoThe CLAW presented their 2015 Student Scholarship Fund to Anatola Howard. The Talons of the CLAW were very happy to provide this local art student with the mean to help her afford the art supplies she’ll need for her ongoing art studies.

If you’d like to help the CLAW philanthropic efforts, you can make a donation via our CLAW Student Scholarship page. Or buy one of the CLAW shirts online or on the premises of these CLAW supporters: Tacoma Art Museum, King’s Books, and Tacoma Games.

If you are interested in applying for the 2016 CLAW Student Scholarship you can download the application form here.

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Brooks Dental Studio hosts Art of the CLAW during Art Walk

art of clawBrooks Dental Studio
has opened its walls to The Art of CLAW. The Cartoonists’ League of Absurd Washingtonians is a not so secret society of cartoonists headquartered in Tacoma, WA. Their monthly sponsored drawing sessions and public centric art projects have made them a very fun part of Tacoma’s art scene. For this art show members have raided their archives to show off personal projects, art completed at drawing sessions, and art created through community involvement. Please stop by Brooks Dental and take in this unique show and meet the colorful characters that created them. You can visit here for the best dental services.  They will be easy to spot. They are the ones wearing fez. There will be refreshments.
Enter our drawing! Literally! Stop by the Art Show during art walk and enter our drawing. Prizes are caricature drawing of you by; Mark Brill, the artist behind “The Power Within” and anti-bully themed comic, James Stowe, creator of “Sidekick Quest,” and Mark Monlux who will draw a picture of you in a scene of your favorite movie inside a signed copy of his book “The Comic Critic Presents Blockbusters.”
Mark the date on your calendar, Thursday, March 17th, Art Walk & St. Patrick’s Day. 5 pm to 7 pm.
Drawings for the drawing will be at 5:30, 6:00, and 6:30. You must be present to win. At 7:00 a final drawing for a gift basket from Mad Hat Tea will be held.

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C.L.A.W. Report March 2016 A.D.

On Leap Day, February 29th, the Cartoonist’s League of Absurd Washingtonians held it’s annual GREAT YEARLY CEREMONY, wherein the Talons of the CLAW gather to celebrate another year of existence, recognize our friends and initiate new Council members and have cake.  As always, the GYC was held in the Commencement Hall of the Pythian Temple on Broadway in downtown Tacoma, and we extend our gratitude to the Knights of Pythias for the use of their beautiful facility!  In other aspects, however, this year was a slight break with tradition.
First and foremost, there was no cake!  Secondly, instead of the usual painfully elaborate, poorly executed ceremony with swords and lime green robes, performed before a gathering of friends and loved ones, this year’s meeting was a REVIVAL!  It was a closed meeting among the Talons and Official Friends of CLAW, during which Brother Stowe, (Member #4) played Master of Ceremonies and delivered a spirited address about the loss of our goals and direction, and encouraging the membership to think of ways in which the CLAW can be more driven and effective!
The new Council of the Four Eyes was announced for the coming year:  Mark Brill (#9) as President, James Stowe (#4) as Vice President, Steve Garvin (#25) as Treasurer and Larry Erhardt (#8) as Secretary.  In a final bit of business, a new Official Friend of CLAW was announced, being Christina Wheeler, formerly of the Nearsighted Narwhal, for her support of the CLAW in the precious year.  The company was then removed, after the closing ritual was performed solemnly by the President and Keeper of the Semi-Sacred Box of Things and Props, to the dining room upstairs for sandwiches and veggie platters where we discussed the sharpening of the CLAW!  More will be discussed on that point later!
In other business, Brooks Dental Studio will be having an art show reception for artwalk onMarch 17th, 5-7 pm.  “Brooks Dental Studio presents the Art of CLAW”  Come down and see what the Talons have been creating in their secret studios!
On Saturday, March 19th, Destiny City Comics (right next door to King’s Books) Will be hosting an event called Local Artist Bazaar!  It will feature a number of CLAW members hawking their wares and doing sketches!  You don’t want to miss that!
The Open Swim for March will be on Wednesday the 23rd at 7:30pm at King’s Books on St. Helens in Tacoma.  The theme will be “CLAW ex Machina” and it will be a team-based event where everyone will be drawing up a Rube Goldberg-esqe machines.  Unlike most OS events in recent times, no voting or prizes will be offered.  We’re just going to have some fun!!  So come be a part of it!
Finally, Brandon Pierce (#17) would like you to know about his webcomic called “Pet Projects”!  He will be among the CLAW members at the Local Artist Bazaar, selling bookmarks that feature characters from his strip, such as Notle the Witch.
Happy March…ing everyone!

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