Archive for August, 2015

CLAW August Updates

The Cartoonist’s League of Absurd Washingtonians (or C.L.A.W. to the less pedantic), welcomes a new Talon!  Steve Garvin has joined the ranks of the ignoble, being accepted by the Four-Eye Council and the membership in general as member #25 during July’s Open Swim gathering!  Your sympathies on his behalf are appreciated.
The CLAW’s wildly popular Freelance Fandango meetings continue to draw a small but enthusiastic crowd of workaholics!  Every Monday at 1pm, head over to Corina’s Bakery (602 Fawcett, next to The Grand Theater) for lively discussion or casually intensive drawing–whatever the mood incites!
In July, esteemed Talon of the CLAW, Stan! released “Dungeoneering 101”, a coloring & activity book for sale in PDF (  If you’ve got young’uns who like to weild their mighty crayons or even if you are an adult that needs a good chuckle, then please check out Brother Stan’s latest and greatest!
The August Open Swim meeting, held as usual at King’s Books on St. Helens in lovely downtown Tacoma will be called “Twists on Twilight”!  How could you possibly improve on the fantastical journey that is the Twilight franchise? Why, by combining it with other beloved movies, TV shows or cartoon characters, of course.  Join us on August 26th at 7:30pm for the ensuing hilarity!

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