Archive for December, 2012

CLAW White Elephant Gift Exchange

White Elephant by Mark Monlux

Wednesday, December 12th 7:30pm at Kings Books in Tacoma. 218 Saint Helens Avenue  Tacoma, WA 98402

This is a CLAW Open Swim meeting that is open to the public at large – all ages – and everyone is invited to attend and participate. I’m happy to say that this will be our fourth year of astonishing each other with truly absurd Christmas gifts. Now is your change to re-gift that present your aunt gave you last year. Or maybe you bought something at a garage sale the wife vetoed. Or maybe you found something that has the perfect “IT” factor for this event

The rules for the White Elephant Gift Exchange:

1. The gift must be “absurd”.
2. If you buy the gift, you must not spend more than $20.
3. You’re gift must be wrapped, or at the very least fully concealed in a festive bag.
4. Those who bring get to participate.
5. Numbers will be drawn from a fez to determine order.
6. You can select a gift from a table or steal a gift from a person who already chose a gift.
7. A gift can only be stolen three times, at which time it becomes locked-in.
8. A gift doesn’t have to be unwrapped until all gifts are selected. (While there is debate about this rule it was part of our original rules in 2008 and I’m going to stick with tradition.)
9. Once all gifts are locked-in, those that have not been unwrapped should be unwrapped.
10. The Trading, purchasing, bartering or auctioning of gifts after the exchange is allowed.

In the event that there are extra gifts, they will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. We take credit cards.

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Winter Newsletter and Event Recap

This is Adam 11, here to bring you the winter CLAW update!

Tinkerer and cartoonist, R. R. Anderson and his wonderful wife (a preschool teacher) are launching an arts and crafts materials rescue/reuse business ! Be sure to check it out.

 Our amazing Michael Daley hosted a 1 hour comic strip day on December 6th at James Sales Elementary where he created a strip an hour with the 2-5 graders.  

 On Saturday, November 30th Mark Brill, Michael Daley and Mark Monlux Represented the CLAW at Nerdy Stuffs Droids for Tots campaign.

 James Stowe has begun play testing development for the Roleplaying Game and Card Game based on his webcomic Sidekick Quests ( He recently ran a game with six 6 to 9 year olds that was received very well. If you may be interested in joining in the SKQ RPG play test you can contact him at

 Talon, Rob Larson, held a book signing at Kings Books on November 27th for his new book “Bleakonomics: A Heartwarming Introduction to Financial Catastrophe, the Jobs Crisis, and Environmental Destruction. Besides being a cartoonists Rob is also a teacher of economics.

Special Events:

Cosplay Drawing with CLAW and the Super Sirens

Join the CLAW aka: The Cartoonists’s League of Absurd Washingtonians as they lead this drawing session with the lovely Super Sirens as the models at the Tacoma Art Museum during the museums winter festival – Sunday, December 9th 2-4. The Super Sirens will be dressing up as some of our favorite comic book characters. You will see Harly Quinn, Cat Woman and fee other femme fatales from the funny pages.

CLAW Droids

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December CLAW Events

The CLAW has two public events this month, and everybody is welcomed!

Harley Quinn by Mark Brill

Cosplay Live Drawing Session with Super Sirens
Sunday, December 9th @ The Tacoma Art Museum, 2-4pm
1701 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Washington 98402

Free Live Drawing Session! Practice drawing with live models! Supply’s will be provided and both the session and the supplies are free! Join the CLAW aka: The Cartoonists’s League of Absurd Washingtonians as they lead this drawing session with the lovely Super Sirens as the models. The Super Sirens will be dressing up as some of our favorite comic book characters. You will see Harly Quinn, Cat Woman and fee other femme fatale from the funny pages.

The drawing session starts at 2pm be at hosted by the Tacoma Art Museum as part of their Winter Festival. The Tacoma Art Museum will be open free to the public on December 9th from 10am to 4pm. Before the drawing session CLAW merchandise will be on sale as part of the Crafts Fair. Pick up a few creative gifts for Christmas before attending the session.



White Elephant by Mark Monlux

Annual White Elephant Gift Exchange
Wednesday, December 12th @ King’s Books, 7:30-9:30pm
218 St Helens Ave, Tacoma, Washington 98402

This is a CLAW Open Swim meeting and the public at large is invited to attend and participate. I’m happy to say that this will be our fourth year of astonishing each other with truly absurd Christmas gifts. Now is your change to re-gift that present your aunt gave you last year. Or maybe you bought something at a garage sale the wife vetoed. Or maybe you found something that has the perfect “IT” factor for this event

The rules for the White Elephant Gift Exchange:

1. The gift must be “absurd”.
2. If you buy the gift, you must not spend more than $20.
3. You’re gift must be wrapped, or at the very least fully concealed in a festive bag.
4. Those who bring get to participate.
5. Numbers will be drawn from a fez to determine order.
6. You can select a gift from a table or steal a gift from a person who already chose a gift.
7. A gift can only be stolen three times, at which time it becomes locked-in.
8. A gift doesn’t have to be unwrapped until all gifts are selected. (While there is debate about this rule it was part of our original rules in 2008 and I’m going to stick with tradition.)
9. Once all gifts are locked-in, those that have not been unwrapped should be unwrapped.
10. The Trading, purchasing, bartering or auctioning of gifts after the exchange is allowed.

ps. If you like getting Facebook invites to events, please ‘like’ the CLAW Facebook Page.

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