Archive for September, 2011

24 Hour Comics Day 2011 – Marathon Endurance Drawing

24hr Comic Book Day 2011

Saturday October 1st, 2011 A.D.

2510 S. 84th, Suites 15A-B, Lakewood, WA 98466
(253) 761-4651


Can YOU Do it?

in Only 24 Hours?!

The CLAW assembled

That is the Question that Tacoma, Washington’s COMIC BOOK INK is Challenging the Members of C.L.A.W. (the Cartoonists’ League of Absurd Washingtonians), and YOU, to try and accomplish SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1st! Starting at 10:00am THIS Saturday and Continuing ALL DAY ..into THE NIGHT..and Straight on until the NEXT MORNING on Sunday, October 2nd at 10:00am…That’s right, 24 HOURS!

“This is our 3rd Year issuing the challenge,” said store owner, JOHN MUNN, “And our Homegrown Heroes, the Members of C.L.A.W., are being dared to Return to the Challenge that TWO of them COMPLETED last year…and we challenge them to bring even more of their numbers. And when I say, ‘Return to the Callenge’, it means we are hoping for the chance to put them on public display again..doing what they do best..Creating Comics while continuing to be Absurd. Every year, C.L.A.W. uses this event to promote their SCHOLARSHIP FUND and we know they will rise to the challenge again this year!”

RR & Crazy Lady Manga Table

C.L.A.W. is uses this event as an opportunity to seek out Contributors to C.L.A.W.’s Student Scholarship Fund. “One of the reasons we started C.L.A.W. was to establish a Scholarship, however meager, for Art Students interested in Comics and Cartooning,” said MARK MONLUX, one of the founders of C.L.A.W., resident of Fern Hill and Award-Winning Illustrator. “Those of us who draw know just how tight finances can be for someone who is just starting to learn their craft. Besides tuition and books, there is the ever-increasing price of art supplies. Our Goal is to help out with relieving some of the burden, even if its only a few dollars.”

Whistler's Monlux #24hcd


24 HOUR COMICS DAY All Starts with a Challenge!!

The 24 HOUR COMICS CHALLENGE is for a Cartoonist to completely create a 24 Page Comics Story in 24 Straight Hours. A “24 Hour Comic” is any comic story that you make while facing the challenge…even if you take more than 24 consecutively-awake hours to make the comic or if you end after the 24 hours with a story that shorter than 24 pages.

Is this really the best way to make a great comic?

Probably not (although some really cool comics have been made this way), but that is not the real goal. The goal is to have the experience of trying. It’s a creative exercise that can teach you a lot about what you are capable of.

Who came up with the “Concept” of the 24 HOUR COMIC?

A cartoonist named SCOTT McCLOUD. Scott is the leading theoretician in the comics field. A position he achieved with the release of “Understanding Comics” an analysis of the comics form. Head on over to to learn more about Scott and his Insights!

How many 24 HOUR COMICS have been done?

Over 1000 people have taken the challenge so far worldwide. Just last year, Comic Book Ink hosted 18 People for the Challenge.


It’s a Celebration of the Creation of Comics. The first event was held in 2004.

Are YOU up to the CHALLENGE? Join us this Saturday at 10:00am or come in and witness the spectacle and cheer on our challengers!!

Who knows…we might have a few late night surprises for you…

Claw Open Swim with Dockyard Derby Dames 04

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This Thursday’s Open Swim Theme is Trading Cards for Monsters and Costumes

Hobo Costume Trading Card by Monlux

This Month’s CLAW Open Swim Theme is Trading Cards for Monsters and Costumes. Bring your drawing implements of destruction. In addition to the round table voting at the end of the evening each artist will receive an extra point for each trading card they complete. First place prize is $20 of cold hard cash. Second and Third place prizes are extremely lame. All artwork will be donated to raise funds at the next 100 Monkeys and to help the CLAW Student Scholarship Fund.
Time: 7:30 p.m., Thursday, September 15th 2011
Location: Amocat Cafe, 625 St. Helens, Tacoma, WA

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Mark Monlux & Joe Manfredini Review Reign of Fire

Once again ,Mark Monlux, Grand PooBah and illustrator extraordinaire, co-founder of the CLAW, and general nice guy, visits with his friend Joe Manfredini to talk about movies. This time they are discussing Reign of Fire.

Film and editing of the video was done by Friend of the CLAW Adam the Alien. The music was created by local Tacoma talent Joe Izenman.

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