Triumphant Return of the (not exactly) 24-Hour Comic!
After completely failing to finish our admittedly over-ambitious 24-hour comic last October 2nd, Zan and I decided to get revive it and publish it in time to have it at Emerald City ComiCon this last weekend! In the spirit of the original event, we made this decision about three weeks before the con. Naturally, since we were under a time constraint, I felt obliged to throw out all the pages I actually HAD finished (except for a couple which I had to heavily rework in Photoshop) and redraw the whole thing in a different style!
The last drawing was finished and put into place on Wednesday…a day before the con started. Zan put forth an heroic effort and laid out the book and printed and folded and cut copies of it so that it was ready and waiting when the ComiCon opened its doors on Friday!
Anyway–here is a shot of the cover of our 25 page story of a teen dealing with classmates who are bullying him because he is a little different.
You can find out more and even purchase a copy at the following link:
(I believe the proceeds from this book are oing to The Trevor Project, but I need to confirm that.)
Peace out! ^0^
Mark B-9!
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