Archive for January, 2011

January Open Swim – PSA’s

Come join the CLAW for another another Open Swim! This theme will be public service announcements, the smarmier and sillier the better.

Also, please purchase food and drink at the Amocat during Open Swim to support their extended hours for hosting us!

When: Wednesday January 26th, 7:30 PM

Where: Amocat Cafe

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CLAW End of Year Ceremony 2010 (Video)

Ho! Here is the (mostly) unedited footage from CLAW latest Great End of Year Ceremony shot at the Pythian Temple in Tacoma! Hark! Ho! Hum!

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Final Notice- the CLAW’s Grand Yearly Ceremony is TONIGHT!

Final Notice! Tonight! The CLAW GYC!

Final Notice! Tonight! The CLAW GYC!

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