Archive for December, 2010

Lance Kagey: Friend of CLAW Invite

Tacoma Action Figure: L.A.N.C.E. (aka Lance Kagey)

Lance Kagey has been awarded FRIEND OF CLAW status by unanimous vote during a secret members-only meeting of the Cartoonists League of Absurd Washingtonians (the C.L.A.W.) I was picked or volunteered to craft his invitation/notice so this is how I chose to honor that commitment. It is no small secret that I am intensely jealous of other artists who are picked to work with Beautiful Angle on a wheat paste poster project… but that is a story for another time. What is important now is that we honor this work-a-day letter press savant by disparaging his main competition, namelyChandler OCD’leery and Jessica Spring Tide.   Today the Tacomic honors savage manliness; just look at these guys. They’re all stubble, ruddy and pot bellied… that’s REAL AMERICA folks.

Congratulations LANCE KAGEY: Friend of the CLAW!

You’re invited to..

7PM, Monday January 3rd.


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Tom Llewellyn: Friend of CLAW Invite


Here is the CLAW Grand Yearly Ceremony invitation created for Tom llewellyn of “Beautiful Angle”!  The theme of the invite is based on his excellent children’s book entitled “The Tilting House” and features Mr. Daga, one of its characters, appropriately (for our purposes) adorned with a fez.

Congratulations Tom Llewellyn: Friend of the CLAW!

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Have YOU received a personal invitation to the Grand Yearly Ceremony of the CLAW?

Have YOU been invited to the CLAW Grand Yearly Ceremony?

Have YOU been invited to the CLAW Grand Yearly Ceremony?

Due to extremely limited seating, a Golden Ticket is required for attendance- gate-crashers shall be turned away.

A very small number of Golden Tickets are availble for special friends-  if you consider yourself to be a Special Friend, apply for your own Golden Ticket invitation through our FRIENDS OF CLAW at the Amocat Cafe, Comic Book Ink, or King’s Books..

A nominal $5.00 donation to the CLAW OUTSTANDING STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP FUND is required.

Donations to the Knights of Pythias Building Restoration Fund are also highly encouraged at the door, as the Knights have been so gracious to share this wonderful venue with us on this special night. Let us help to keep this resource available for the generations to follow.

Dress code for the GYC: Whatever you like– but considering the grandness of the venue, Black Tie is humbly suggested. (Medals may be worn   if so authorized.)

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