Robots Could Have Saved the Gulf
The future will be better with robots. They will run behind us with paper towels and clean up our messes.
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The future will be better with robots. They will run behind us with paper towels and clean up our messes.
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This month’s Open Swim is going to be filled with Tips and Tricks from the drawing masters. Those of you with laptops with Adobe Photoshop installed are highly advised to bring them. There will be traditional advice as well. So brush your teeth and comb your hair, a little hygiene never hurt anyone. And come to the CLAW’s first EduCLAWtional Open Swim. And don’t forget to bring your own drawing tools!
Oh! The CLAW has decided to stir things up and try a new venue for this event. Come and join us at…
Amocat Café
625 St. Helens Ave, Tacoma, WA
WEDNESDAY, August 25th @ 7:30
Disclaimer: The CLAW Open Swim is an adult oriented meeting. Language, art, and varied other bad influences will be uncensored PG13 – R – X.
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Talons of the C.L.A.W. were invited into the secret underground lair of seminal wheat-paste duo BEAUTIFUL ANGLE for an initial letter press team social and discovery project meeting–the project being namely LOCAL CURRENCY.  Morgan Alexander, owner of the AMOCAT CAFE has already signed up to be the first Tacoma business to accept this new money (read his Local Currency blog post here).
But first, A quick initiation ritual…
Special thanks to team Beautiful Angle for use of their handsome garden!
Please welcome DEBIVANS, NEW MEMBER NO. 13
And now for a never before seen, behind the scenes, underground tour of the Beautiful Angle letterpress studio…
Talons of CLAW awestruck by the intricate vintage machines..
Lance and Tom of Beautiful Angle invented “ART” in Tacoma, they have no problem showing us how it’s done.
Stowe has a go. “Keep your fez tassel out of those gears!” Bellows Lance.
Soon the tiny cave is filled with the latest ‘adult themed’ Beautiful Angle poster.