Archive for August, 2009

CLAWzine 003 Preview

It’s rare that I find myself able to beat the other CLAW members to the punch of posting a preview of our upcoming Claw Tu Barada Nikto. But since it’s two in the morning, and no one’s around… With out further ado, my cover contribution. This month’s theme, as appointed by RR, is “City of Density”!


Coming soon to a Tacoma place of business.

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CLAW’s Open Swim Wednesday, August 26th 2009 at 7:30pm

Woman on a slab.

Woman on a slab.

Are you feeling dead? Rejuvenate yourself by attending this week’s Open Swim. The CLAW (Cartoonists League of Absurd Washingtonians) will be having their Open Swim this Wednesday evening. The Open Swim is for both member and non-members. Anyone who wants to be part of the festivities is welcomed. Besides the usual hijinks of doodling and preparing the path for the robotic overlords, there just might be a secret ceremony performed. The time and location are:

Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. July 22nd 2009
The Mandolin Café
3923 S 12th St
Tacoma, WA 98405
(In the New and Improved back room, to the left of the performance stage.)
RSVP if you can, space is limited. Feel free to bring a friend, but as this is an adult only event, no kids.

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The CLAW has its first art show at Tacoma Art Supply

CLAW Art Show at Tacoma Art Supply
Warren Caves, owner of Tacoma Art Supply is proud to host the very first group showing of the members of The CLAW. Tacoma Art Supply will be hosting the show through both August and September. If you have not yet been to an Open Swim, your next chance to meet the members will be during the Art Walk on Thursday, August 20th from 5 to 8 pm.
CLAW Art Show at Tacoma Art Supply
Check out these fine masterpieces at:
Tacom Art Supply
1552 Commerce St
Tacoma, WA 98402
(253) 444-2341

UPDATE: TONIGHT! 5-8PM 1552 Commerce Ste 101 across from the Tacoma Art Museum and next to Twokoi Japanese Restaurant

Greetings and salutations, congratulations, ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys. Come one, Come all, and meet members of the Mysterious, Secretive, Discriminatingly Selective, Cartoonist League of Absurd Washingtonians, AKA the CLAW,  Thursday AUG 20, evening for the Tacoma 3rd Thurday’s Art Walk, only at Tacoma ART Supply. We are displaying some of the work of CLAW members. We’ll have pink Food! Hmmm…

The CLAW has been previously featured in the TNT, City Arts, Mandolin back rooms and every Friday Noon at Frost Park (selected members).

Tacoma ART Supply

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