Archive for December, 2008

CLAW Invited to Dazzle Letterpress “WAYZGOOSE” Event

PHOTO: Kings Books Sweetpea on a Steamroller (Tacoma)

PHOTO: King's Books "Sweetpea" on a Steamroller (Tacoma)

Jessica Spring, master letterpress operator/artist has invited members of the CLAW to particpate in the media saturated event known to letterpress zealots as WAYZGOOSE .

“We should have materials to work with in late January. You’ll need to decide if you want to carve linoleum or plywood before we order materials. Linoleum is easier to carve, though Chris Sharp used some serious power tools on plywood last year and had good results. I bought myself some Flexcut tools from Woodcraft,”  Says Spring, “they worked really well compared to wimpy Speedball. I think we’re going with a maximum width of 3 x 4 but I have to confirm paper size. And finally, we try to get 3 or 4 prints for each plate–you guys can keep one (for the clubhouse?!) then we raffle them throughout the day and use another for the book arts auction. Finally, we’ve tried to keep the theme loosely based on Tacoma / books / printing but it’s not critical…”

“Sounds like fun to me. I’m down. ” – Electric Elliot.

“I’m all for it!” – Mark Monlux

“That sounds awesome… I’m in.” – Stowe

“Motion to resolution answering the call of the esteemed letterpress artist Jessica Spring has passed. The Cartoonist’s League of Absurd Washingtonians whereas known by CLAW, shall mobilize our respective creative talents to the glory of the cartooning craft. Robots are cool. Zombies must die.  Amen!”

Thus and so, The MYSTIC Council of the FOUR EYES has spoken.

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Further Evidence of a Robotic Uprising


Sales of professional and personal service robots worldwide were estimated to have reached about 5.5 million this year, and are expected to more than double to 11.5 million by 2011, although there is little or no control over how the machines are used.

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Drawn and quartered: CLAW Featured in Weekly Volcano

JOURNALIST Paul Schrag writes: “It’s a sign of Tacoma’s maturity, and it’s about time. Though the details are necessarily hazy, a small group of locals has created Tacoma’s first secret society. Currently comprising four adepts of the dark visual arts, the Cartoonists League of Absurd Washingtonians, or The CLAW, is coming for your kids.”

continue to full story on weekly volcano’s website

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